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Sports Curriculum: Aurelio Goncalves

Sports Curriculum: Aurelio Goncalves
Aurelio Goncalves’s first contact with sport was in 1975, with basic athletics an gymnastics.
In 1982 he started practicing Martial Arts by doing Karate.
In 1987 his training of Wing Tsun was started in Germany.
In 1993 he founded, for the first time on the island, Wing Tsun, being the first person, whether on land or mainland, to practice and administer lessons of this Wing Tsun.
In 1997 he started to develop his abilities by becoming a Personal Trainer.
In 1999 he administered lessons in Escrima.
In the year 2003 he organized and accomplished the first martial arts gala in Madeira. In this year he also created the WING TSUN ASSOCIATION OF MADEIRA.
In March 2005 he created his own Wing Tsun and weapon system called, BUTTERFLY WING TSUN and THE ART OF ARMS.